Scope and arrangement
The collection is arranged into four series: Mastering notes, Correspondence, Subject files, LP set files. These series maintain David Hall's arrangement of files, assembled during preparation for the Mapleson cylinders boxed set. Mastering notes includes photocopies of sheet music and librettos for the works performed on particular cylinders, with annotations used by engineer Tom Owen during the transfer of those cylinders to magnetic tape. The Correspondence series primarily includes letters written to and from the cylinders' previous owners and library staff. The Correspondence series also includes letters describing previous efforts to reformat the audio from the cylinders, the copyright status of the cylinders, as well as extant documentation of Lionel Mapleson and the singers with whom he worked. The Subject files series contains research files gathered by David Hall relative to specific primary sources on the cylinders. The LP set files include files specifically related to the production and release of the 1985 boxed set of LPs of Mapleson cylinder recordings. David Hall's folder titles were maintained.