Scope and arrangement
Autograph manuscript in an exercise book and 3 newspaper clippings with articles by Frederich Pecht. On title page of ms: Aus Richard Wagners Pariser Zeit / von Frederich Pecht. Allegemeine Zeitung, Beilage, N3 81, Donnerstag, 22. Marz, 1883. It covers Wagner's years in Paris, 1839-1840. Two of the clippings are entitled Aus Friedrich Pechts Lebenserinnerungen (V. 1864. Richard Wagner in Dresden; VI. Paris 1867) in Tägliche Rundschau Unterhaltungs-Belage, hrsg. von Dr. Friedrich Lange, Nr. 115, 121, dated 1894 May 20 and 27. The other, apparently from a Dresden publication, quotes from Pecht's reminiscences about Wagner in Paris, 1840.