Scope and arrangement
The collection covering the years 1640-1910, emphasizes the subjects of American and English shorthand systems and also manuscripts written in shorthand.
Theology is represented by Bibles on both the Old and New Testaments, sermons and the Book of Common Prayer, spanning the 18th and 19th century. To a lesser extent, the subjects bibliography and court trials are represented in shorthand.
Authors represented include: Stephen Addington, William Addy, Joseph Alleine, Stephen Pearl Andrews, John Angell, Caleb Ashworth, Phineas Bailey, Thomas Belsham, George Riker Bishop, Timothy Bright, John Byrom, Richard Creed, Jacob Cushing, Theodore Ledyard Cuyler, Philip Doddridge, Henry Dow, Andreas Gottschling, Marcus Tullius Cicero Gould, Edwin Guest, Joseph Gurney the younger, Thomas Gurney, John Hart, W. L, Haskel, Arthur Head, Jerome Bird Howard, Patrick Kean, D, D, Lathrop, G, Russell Leonard, Theo- philus Metcalfe, John Milton, William Wesley Osgoodby, John Parkins, Benn Pitman, Joseph Prosser, Joseph C. Rice, Julius Ensign Rockwell, Spencer C. Rodgers, Thomas Shelton, Edward Burtenshaw Sugen, Robert S. Taylor, Samuel Taylor, James Thomson, Johannes Trithemous, Isaac Watts, John Westby-Gibson, James Weston, Louisa M. (Bailey) Whitney, William Williamson, John Willis, William Henry Woodcock, and Alexander Tremaine Wright.
The NYPL Bulletin 1934, October pp. 889-896 should be consulted for a detailed description. The box lists for the manuscripts in the printed guide are obsolete.