Scope and arrangement
The collection of Increase Matthews and John Matthews daybooks, 1801-1804, consists of two volumes (bound in one) recording transactions at Zanesville and Springfield, Ohio for sugar, coffee, tea, farm products, cloth, whiskey, gunpowder and lead, and general merchandise. Accounts for animal pelts and charges for cartage to and from Marietta, Ohio are also listed.
Daybook entries also reflect, to a lesser extent, Increase’s work as a physician and John’s work as a surveyor. Entries for “John Matthews surveyor” are distinguished from “John Matthews, millwright” or “miller.”
Entries in the first volume are dated 1801 March 31 to 1802 February 15 at Zanesville, apparently kept chiefly by Increase Matthews. There are a few entries for medicines (not specified) sold by him. Entries in the second volume, “John and Increase Matthews Day Book 1803” are dated 1803 January 1-1804 January 7, at Springfield. There are expenses at end under “John Mathews private affairs” and “Expenses on town and lot Springfield." The volumes include cash withdrawals by both men and charges for their own transactions.
There are occasional entries for Isaac Zane, Rufus Putnam, and Levi Whipple; partnerships mentioned include Sproat & Matthews, Increase Matthews & Company, J.F. Munro & Company, and Springhill Company. Some customer names are common to both volumes.