Scope and arrangement
This collection relates to Martha Bradstreet's legal claims on portions of General John Bradstreet's estate in Oneida, Herkimer, and Delaware Counties, New York. The collection comprises letters, deeds, legal notices, and land records. The bulk of the letters are from estate executor Edward Goold to Bradstreet (Mrs. Codd). These span 1799 to 1810 and cover their early client-executor relationship and subsequent legal disputes. Bradstreet also received letters concerning land purchase inquiries from New York merchant Daniel Ludlow (1804-1808) and Joseph Simons (1820). Also present are legal documents, spanning 1786 to 1878, that Martha Bradstreet compiled to support her land claims. Of note is a detailed list of individuals and families leasing, farming, building, and running businesses on portions of her land (circa 1820).
This collection is arranged into two sections: Correspondence and Legal Documents.