Scope and arrangement
The Antonio and the Ballets de Madrid records (1960-1968) hold press releases, correspondence, and drafts of programs, itineraries, and dance synopses for Antonio and the Ballets de Madrid's American tour directed by Hurok Attractions, Inc. Programs for shows in Spain, such as the Festival Internacional de Musica y Danza Granada, are also included.
The majority of the collection is comprised of press releases and drafts of programs and itineraries for the tour. Press releases document company dancer and staff biographies, and publicize specific dances included in the tour. Program drafts are sometimes accompanied by correspondence discussing the details of a particular performance. Overall, correspondence in the collection is limited and relates to arrangements made between Hurok Attractions, the media, and Antonio and his company for their American tour. Specific topics of correspondence include the mailing of publicity materials and slides, and interdepartmental correspondence at Hurok Attractions, Inc. Primary correspondents are Martin Feinstein, Myra Armstrong, and Edward Parkinson of Hurok Attractions Inc.; members of the press; and administrative employees for Antonio's company. Synopses of dances included in the tour are also present.