Scope and arrangement
The Artur Michel papers, Additions (1922-1947) contain research materials, manuscripts, and articles on dance criticism and dance history. Materials are chiefly in German and English.
Research materials concern the history of dance, especially in Europe. The materials consist almost entirely of Michel's handwritten notes, but also contain clippings, photographs, letters, and ballet programs. Among the research subjects are dance in England, Italy, and Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. Other subjects include shawl dance, court dance, folk dance, and individual dancers. Many of Michel's notes are in the language of the source material, such as French or Italian.
Writings consist of typed manuscripts of unpublished books, drafts of articles, and two periodicals containing articles by Michel. Book manuscripts comprise two volumes of Michel's criticism (including writings on Mary Wigman) and three volumes on the history of theatrical dance (Bühnentanz). The manuscripts hold a small number of relevant clippings, and the history manuscripts have minor handwritten corrections. Draft articles are about the history of Salome and Herodias in the arts (the article was occasioned by Martha Graham's Herodiade), and the genesis of the ballet. Drafts are in German and English; some of Michel's research notes accompany the articles.