Scope and arrangement
The Kisselgoff scrapbooks date from 1967 to 1976. The collection consists of seventeen scrapbooks, complied by Kisselgoff of clippings related to dance coverage in the New York Times and the New York Times Magazine. The articles include reviews of a wide range of dance performances, locally in New York City and major cities worldwide. The clippings include articles written by Kisselgoff, and her colleauges Clive Barnes, Don McDonagh, Jacqueline Maskey, and others. The scrapbooks were compiled while Kisselgoff was a general reporter for the Times. The reporting by Kisselgoff predates her promotion to Chief Dance critic and does not include any of her writing after 1977.
The general dance scrapbook contain all other reporters and contributions made to the Times, including some articles without by-lines.
The other writers primarily featured in the scrapbooks include Kisselgoff's predecessor, Clive Barnes, the dance and theater critic for the Times from 1965 to 1977, Don McDonagh, and Jacqueline Maskey. Don McDonagh was a dance critic for the Times from 1967 to 1978 and many of his articles cover contemporary dance. Jacqueline Maskey was a dance critic and contributor to several dance publications; she was also an archivist at the dance department of the New York Public Library. While this collection does not contain the entirety of each reporter's writing while working for the New York Times, it gives a detailed description of the dance world through the late sixties and seventies.