Scope and arrangement
The Srimathi Gina papers consist of materials created and collected by Srimathi Gina during the course of her studies, performances, and teachings of Indian Classical Dance, from approximately 1935 to 1980. Materials include in-depth notes on different styles of Indian classical dance (with illustrations and descriptions of dance movements and rhythms); definitions of Hindu and Buddhist terms; Indian stories and myths; performance and lecture-demonstration notes; programs; costume and scenic directions; casting notes; professional correspondence; a typed memoir of her travels to India; and photographs, prints, and other images.
The collection also contains a reel-to-reel tape labeled "Interview Nala [Najam] with Gina re: Bombay." Inquiries regarding audio materials in the collection may be directed to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division. Audio/visual materials may be subject to preservation evaluation and migration prior to access.
Folders are arranged alphabetically by genre.