Scope and arrangement
· Autograph signature on receipt : 7 May 1784 : (MISC 1865) : 1 page (partial sheet) : [from London] : documenting her sale of the copyright of "Peru, a Poem" to Thomas Cadell for £21; also stipulating that "in case of a second edition, ten guinea more to be paid . . . .".
· Autograph signature on printed prospectus/receipt for subscription to her Poems (1786) : [circa late 1785?] : (MISC 2042) : 1 page (single sheet) : [no place] : documenting the payment of six shillings by "Rich.d Richards Esq.r" for his subscription. Mounted in the William Upcott Album of Eminent Women. Filed with bound manuscripts under "Upcott.".
· Autograph signature on printed prospectus/receipt for subscription to her Poems (1786) : 20 Sep [1785] : (MISC 4402) : 1 page (single sheet) : [no place] : documenting the payment by "Miss Rashleigh" for her subscription.
· Autograph signature on receipt : 5 Jul 1791 : (MISC 3678) : 1 page (partial sheet) : [from London] : documenting Thomas Cadell's payment to her of £25 "for my moiety for the second edition of my Poems . . . .".
· To John Bowring, politician, diplomat, and writer : 1 autograph letter, third person : "Wednesday" [?3 Nov 1819] : (MISC 2057) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : from Rue Hauteville [Paris] : saying she "regrets much that Mr Bowring's engagements will deprive her of his company this evening . . . ." Docketed as received on 9 Nov 1819.
· To "Monsieur Bruin, Rue du Sentier" : 1 autograph letter signed : "Tuesday evening" [30 Mar 1819] : (MISC 2056) : 2 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : [from Paris] : begins, "I feel very grateful for your kind attention in writing to me this morning -- poor dear Mrs Stewart! I knew her but little . . . .".
· To Elizabeth Burgoyne, amateur artist and wife of Montagu Burgoyne, politician : 1 autograph letter, third person : [no date] : (MISC 3677) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Rue de Bondi : saying "lest she should not have the pleasure of finding Mrs and the Miss Montagu Burgoyne's at home, takes this method of offering those ladies her best thanks for the letter they were so good as to bring her from Mrs Opie." With a note of attestation on page 3 of the letter sheet, signed "M F," and a sepaprate later 19th century 1-page biographical note on Williams in an unidentified hand.
· To [?David Carey, journalist and poet] : 1 autograph letter, third person : "Friday evening" [1822?] : (MISC 2055) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Rue Hauteville [Paris] : saying she "hopes Mr. Carey will not forget his engagement to drink tea with her on Sunday evening . . ."; also, "her nephew . . . wishes to have a particular conversation with him on literary affairs . . . ." Addressed to "Monsieur Carey / chez Madame du Boffe / Rue Mont Blanc.".
· To Bertie Greatheed, poet and playwright : 1 autograph letter signed : "Sunday morning" July 1803 : (MISC 2267) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Hotel de la Tremouille [Paris] : begins, "If you have finished the Swiss tour, will you be so kind as return it by the bearer, since I want it for a particular purpose?".
· To Robert Lawless, assistant to Thomas Cadell, publisher : 1 autograph letter, third person : "Monday morning" [circa 1790's] : (MISC 2229) : 1 page (double sheet) : [from London] : saying she "begs Mr Lawless will be so good as give two copies of her work to the bearer of this note . . . .".
· To "Monsieur Moore / Hotel d'Hollande / Rue Neuve des Bons Enfan[t]s" : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Monday morning" : (MISC 2058) : 2 pages (double sheet) : [from Paris] : begins, "I hope you will pardon me if I again intrude upon you to enquire after my friend Mr Blaquiere . . . ." -- 1 autograph letter, third person : [?5-6 Dec 1822] : (MISC 2230) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : [from Paris] : saying she "will take care that the packet shall be duly forwarded . . . ." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Tuesday morning" [circa 1823?] : (MISC 2231) : 2 pages (single sheet) : [from Paris] : begins, "I have again to assure Mr Moore of all my grateful feelings for his attention -- but for his kindness I should remain in complete ignorance of the progress of my little volume . . ."; along with a 1-page later 19th century manuscript biographical summary of Williams in an unknown hand.
· To Madam [Nooth?] : 1 autograph letter signed : "Friday morning" : (MISC 2256) : [no place] : 1 page (single sheet) : begins, "I hasten to send you the literary journals with many thanks for your kind attention." With an envelope pasted to the back with the following autograph note in ink: "From Mrs. Vulliamy - June 1852. Fragment of an autograph letter from Mrs. Helen Maria Williams to Madame Desmoutiers, then bearing the name of Nooth." As the Williams letter is not a fragment, it is uncertain if the envelope is correctly paired with the letter.
· To William Shepherd, Unitarian minister and politician : 1 autograph letter, third person : [circa 1802] : (MISC 2054) : 1 page (single sheet) : [from Paris] : saying she "incloses a letter for Dr Currie [no longer present]. She begs leave to assure Mr and Mrs Shepherd of her sincere regret at their departure . . . .".
· To "Dear Sir" : 1 autograph letter signed : "Saturday noon" [?6 Nov 1819] : (MISC 4023.23c) : 1 page (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "I could only find ten minutes yesterday to inscribe a few lines on your album . . . ." Docketed with the date of "12 Nov 1819." Mounted in the Mary Ann Humble autograph album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.