- Creator
- Smith, Robert Metcalf, 1886-1952
- Call number
- Pforz MS
- Physical description
- 9 items
- Preferred Citation
- Robert Metcalf Smith manuscript material, Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle, The New York Public Library
- Repository
- Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle
- Access to materials
- Restricted access. Request an in-person research appointment.
Robert Metcalf Smith, American professor and scholar of English literature. · To Clinton N. Rutan of New Jersey : 9 items : -- 1 typescript letter signed : 18 May 1945 : (S'ANA 0947b1) : 1 page (partial sheet) : from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. (printed stationery) : begins, "What about the Severn you had on your list for me?" With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 typescript letter signed : 22 Oct 1945 : (S'ANA 0947b2) : 1 page (single sheet) : from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. (printed stationery) : begins, "I have delayed answering your kind letter about as long as you have delayed at times answering my letters ...."; mentioning Mary Shelley manuscript letters in Rutan's possession and Rutan's work on Harriet Shelley, "... rehabilitating her from the ravages of Mary and Lady Shelley." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 typescript letter signed : 27 Oct 1945 : (S'ANA 0947b3) : from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. (printed stationery) : begins, "I am glad you see signs of a possibility of returning to Shelley soon..."; expressing his opinion of Mary Shelley's character, including, "Mary, among her other accomplishments, was a liar and a cat -- and a bitch -- no wonder the circle despised her." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 envelope (empty) : [postmark 27 Nov 1945] : (S'ANA 0947b4) : printed Lehigh University envelope with typed address and cancelled stamp. -- 1 typescript letter signed : 18 Jul 1947 : (S'ANA 0947b5) : from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. (printed stationery) : begins, "I have not replied to your last letter -- not in imitation of your lapses into long silences, but because I wonder whether they indicate that you have or have not found out whether Harriet drowned herself in November or December." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 typescript letter signed : 6 Nov 1947 : (S'ANA 0947b6) : 1 page (single sheet) : from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. (printed stationery) : begins, "I am moved by your note to exclaim as Lear did: 'Have I caught thee? He that parts us shall bring a brand from heaven' etc." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 19 Aug 1948 : (S'ANA 0947b7) : 2 pages (single sheet) : from Maplecroft Manor, Bancroft P.O., Middlefield, Massachusetts : begins, "No. I never received any letter from you after you left Bethlehem ..."; including, "All I know about Audrey Wurdemann is that she is married to a very clever poet and Jew and both must have an eye out for the dollar. They claim the Shelley line, or at least she does ...." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Aug 1949 : (S'ANA 0947b8) : 2 pages (double sheet) : from Maplecroft Manor, Bancroft P.O., Middlefield, Massachusetts (printed stationery) : begins, "Thank you for your letter. Yes, I have escaped from my Bethlehem inferno to my Berkshire Hills retreat ...." With the stamped, postmarked envelope. -- 1 typescript letter signed : 30 Aug 1950 : (S'ANA 0947b9) : 2 pages (2 single sheets) : from 304 Lehigh University Library, Bethlehem, Penna. (on printed Shakespeare Association of America stationery) : begins, "Thank you for writing again ..."; saying, "I am glad your Shelley collection continues to grow apace ..."; with comments on Walter Edwin Peck. With the stamped, postmarked envelope.
Using the collection
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His CircleStephen A. Schwarzman Building
Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018-2788
Third Floor, Room 319