Scope and arrangement
· Miscellaneous notes on Shelley-related illustrations : [after 1 Jun 1945] : (S'ANA 1044) : 1 page (single sheet) : [from New York?] : on the verso of an opened envelope to Unger from Freedom House; begins, "(3) PBS (waist to left, holding feather-pen, 15 x 10 ¹/₂ (plate 8 x 6; pict 4 x 3 . . . .".
· To Thomas James Wise, book collector and forger : 1 typescript letter signed : 27 Apr 1925 : (S'ANA 0493) : 1 page (single sheet) : from the Library of Carl H. Pforzheimer, Hidden Brook Farm, Purchase, New York (printed stationery) : begins, "We are writing to you in regard to one of Mr. Pforzheimer's copies of Byron's The Prisoner of Chillon, 1816 . . . ." Filed along with two letters from Wise to Unger, under "Wise.".