Scope and arrangement
· To William Allingham, poet : 2 items -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Monday" 30 May [no year] : (MISC 1414a) : 3 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : from 8, Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London, S.W. (printed stationery) : begins, "Will you come & dine with us . . . ." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 24 Nov [no year] : (MISC 1414b) : 4 pages (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "The nuisance [?] that we administer . . . ." Both letters mounted in the album of Fifty-nine Autograph Letters to William Allingham. Shelved with bound manuscripts under "Allingham.".
· To Charles Cowden Clarke, writer and public lecturer : 1 autograph letter signed : 27 Apr [between 1858 and 1872] : (MISC 1316) : 3 pages (double sheet) : from Local Gvt. Office, 8 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall : begins, "I hasten to acknowledge with thanks the kind contribution of yourself & Mrs. Cowden Clarke of £2.00 toward the fund that is being raised, through me, for the relief of Mrs. Walker.".