Scope and arrangement
· To Mary Gaskell, wife of Daniel Gaskell, MP for Wakefield : 1 autograph letter signed : 16 May 1836 : (MISC 4057) : 2 pages (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "Thank you for your kind remembrance & invitation for the 17th . . . ." Glued to an autograph letter in the hand of Frances Trollope (MISC 4056), both manuscripts clearly having been removed from an autograph album. Filed under "Trollope.".
· To Mrs. Ashton Yates, travel writer : 1 autograph leter signed : "Saturday Evening" [watermark = 1838] : (MISC 4023.14b) : 3 pages (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "My sister has just sent me your very kind note ..." Mounted in the Mary Ann Humble Autograph Album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To William Harness, literary scholar : 1 autograph letter signed : "Friday" [circa 1850's?] : (MISC 4089) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from 1 South Crescent, Bedford Square : begins, "I am lodged here for the purpose of studying in the British Museum for the next two or three weeks . . . .".
· To Mr. Whittle (perhaps Peter Whittle, printer, publisher and antiquary) : 1 autograqph letter signed : 22 Jul [1854] : (B'ANA 0042) : 4 pages (double sheet) : [no place] : on mourning stationery; begins, "I am not in town but shall be in 14 [Burton?] Street next Thursday the 27 . . ."; also reporting that she has it on good authority "that Byron never sent to Thorvaldsen . . . Walter Scott called on Thorvaldsen . . . .".