Scope and arrangement
· To Lady Blessington, writer and literary hostess : 4 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 28 May 1842 : (BLES 6.461) : 3 ¹/₈ pages (double sheet) : from Hartford Conn[ecticu]t : begins, "Your letter was received with much pleasure, though it grieved me to hear of the severe indisposition with which you had been suffering ...." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 31 Oct 1842 : (BLES 6.462) : 3 ¹/₈ pages (double sheet) : from Hartford Conn[ecticu]t : begins, "Accept my thanks for your letter, for your kindness in executing my commission, and for the beautiful gifts you have had the goodness to send me ...." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Aug 1843 : (BLES 6.463) : 3 ¹/₈ pages (double sheet) : from Hartford Conn[ecticu]t : begins, "It has recently occurred to me, that a letter addressed to you, several months since, and entrusted to a private opportunity, may not have reached you ...." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Sep 1845 : (BLES 6.464) : 3 ³/₄ pages (double sheet) : from Hartford Conn[ecticu]t : begins, "Your last kind letter was truly welcome. It came opportunely, to dispel some dire fears of forgetfulness, which were gathering like chilling mists ..."; with the excised envelope address panel. -- All letters to Blessington mounted in volume 6 of the Blessington Papers. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To Amelia Opie, novelist and poet : 1 autograph letter signed : 26 Feb 1841 : (O'ANA 0022) : 1 ¹/₈ pages (single sheet) : from London : begins, "I had great hope, when I left my native land, that this letter would procure me a personal introduction to you ...." In the grangerized copy of Brightwell's Memorials of the Life of Amelia Opie. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.