Scope and arrangement
· Holograph presentation inscription, signed : [ca. 1879] : (MISC 4217) : on the title-page of a copy of Hall's Memory of Thomas Moore (London: Virtue & Co., 1879). Reads in full: "The Editor of Public Opinion / with the compts & regards / of SC Hall." Shelved with reference books under "Moore.".
· Holograph anecdote on Lady Blessington : [ca. early 1850's] : (BLES 3.226a) : 2 pages (2 single sheets) : [no place] : begins, "I once chanced to encounter a young man of good education and some literary taste, who with his wife and two children were in a state of absolute want..." With a note at the head of page 1 in the hand of Richard Robert Madden, beginning, "From Mr. Hall I have received the following ..." Mounted in v. 3 of the Blessington Papers. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To Jane Porter, novelist : 1 autograph letter signed : [watermark = 1835] : (MISC 2430) : 3 pages (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "I pray you pardon my apparent inattention -- and assure yourself that I would not willingly neglect any request of yours ...".