Scope and arrangement
· To Robert Cadell, bookseller and publisher : 1 autograph address (clipping) : [no date] : (MISC 4023.31c) : 1 page (partial sheet) : [no place] : reads in full, "Robert Cadell Esq. / private"; with "Sir Walter Scott Bt." written below in a different contemporary hand, and Scott's red wax armorial seal with motto, "REPARABIT CORNUA PHOEBE." Mounted in the Mary Ann Humble autograph album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To John Wilson Croker, politician and writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 28 Jan 1830 : (MISC 0053) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : [no place] : begins, "I only write to say that finding Sir James Boswell was at Callender House within 20 miles I wrote to him about your letter ...".
· To John Gibson Lockhart, writer and literary editor (his son-in-law and biographer) : 1 autograph letter signed : "Wednesday" : (MISC 4081) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Castle Street : begins, "Our friend Dr. Stoddart has sent the bearer Mr. [F-----? Or---?] connected with the New Times to make arrangements about his advertisements ...".
· To Thomas Moore, poet : 1 autograph letter signed : 6 Nov 1829 : (B'ANA 0324) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Abbotsford : begins, "I was favored with your note and am truly glad what I could send has been of service. So far as I am concerned I am not aware of any objection I could have to publication of any letter to Byron only I would like to see it first ..."; with fragment of red wax seal.
· To John Murray, publisher : 1 autograph letter signed : 25 Aug 1810 : (MISC 1355) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Edin[burgh] : begins, "I had your letter with the answer to the Edin. Review which is very poignant particularly what applies to Mr. Smith ...".
· To William Stewart Rose, poet and translator : 1 autograph letter signed : 11 Feb 1822 : (MISC 1428) : 2 pages (single sheet) : begins, "You will oblige me very much bysending the enclosed to go from th foreign office with any packets for your brother ..."; with fragment of red wax seal.
· To Cuthbert Sharp, historian : 1 autograph letter, partially in verse, signed : 13 Mar 1828 : (MISC 1300) : 1 ¹/₃ pages (double sheet) : from Edin[burgh] : begins, "Forget you? No my knightly fere / Forget blithe mirth and gallant cheer ...".
· To Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, antiquarian and collector : 1 autograph letter signed : 26 May [watermark = 1827] : (MISC 3969) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Edin[burgh] : begins, "The Lodge was right by you after all ..."; mounted in the grangerized copy of Hazlitt's Spirit of the Age. Shelved with bound manuscript volumes under "Hazlitt.".
· To Markham Sherwill, autograph collector : 1 autograph letter signed : 20 May 1825 : (B'ANA 0742) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Edinburgh : begins, "I should be happy to give away other autographs that I happen to have but those letters which I have of Byron's have become particularly valuable to me on account of his too early death and very high genius ...".
· To Sarah Smith, later Bartley, actress : 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Mar 1811 : (MISC 0207) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from Edin[burgh] : begins, "I have been shockingly ungrateful dear Miss Smith in not sooner thanking Mrs. [Smith?] and you for obliging and interesting communications ..."; in part discussing the dramatization of The Lady of the Lake; with black wax seal with portcullis and motto, "CLAUSUS TUTUS ERO.".
· To Robert Southey, poet and reviewer : 1 autograph letter signed : 3 Jul [no year] : (MISC 3733) : 3 pages (double sheet) : from Edin[burgh] : begins, "I send you a copy of the Vision which I hope will reach you as early as anyone gets to town ...".
· To an unidentified recipient : 1 autograph letter (fragment) signed : 1 Sep 1827 : (MISC 2049) : 1 page (partial sheet) : from Abbotsford : begins, "... Remitting other things till our meeting I always am yours very truly ..."; with a four-line post-script.