Scope and arrangement
To Lucy Aikin, historian : 1 autograph letter signed : no date : (MISC 3616a) : asking her to not request in public that he begin an autobiography.|||To John Aikin, physician and writer : 1 autograph letter : w/m = 1801 : (MISC 3616b) : asking advice.|||To David Booth, lexicographer and writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 29 May 1821 (G'ANA 0034) : mentions tea with William Godwin.|||To Mary Hays, writer : 8 autograph letters signed : 1792 - 1797 : (MISC 2164-2171) : two of the letters contain notes to Elizabeth Hays ; all letters published in full in Marilyn L. Brooks's Correspondence of Mary Hays.|||To a Mr. Huntsman at Longman, Hurst & Co. : 1 autograph letter signed : 11 Mar 1824 : (MISC 0676) : regarding his Privileges of the University of Cambridge.|||To Capel Lofft, radical editor and writer : 1 autograph letter signed : w/m = 1806 : (MISC 3616f) : regarding Lofft's mention of him in the preface of Robert Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy.|||To the Rev. Mr. Robinson in Chesterton, near Cambridge : 2 autograph letters signed : [dates uncertain] : (MISC 3616d-e) : explaining that he cannot get away because he has been called in to act as "one of the overseers" of his father's parish ; concerning the disposal of his father's goods so that he sent to the workhouse for nonpayment of debts.|||To Gilbert Wakefield, biblical scholar and religious controversialist : 1 autograph letter signed : ca. 1794 : (MISC 3616c) : concerning the production of one of his books, etc.|||To an unknown gentleman : 1 autograph letter signed : ca. 1794 : (MISC 3616g) : describing the last days and death of their friend the Rev. Mr. Robinson.