Scope and arrangement
Autograph list : [after 15 Jan 1816] : (MISC 0961) : on a letter to her from her brother, Charles Burney, D.D.; reads in full, "Send d'Arblay's promotion / Archdeacon Thomas / Letter to sister." Filed under "Charles Burney (schoolmaster and book collector).".|||To Sarah Harriet Burney, English novelist (her half-sister) : 1 autograph letter (fragment) : [no date] : (MISC 3927a) : recto begins, "...I came hither, therefore, yesterday -- in the forenoon, & apartments [?] to shore of [?], & where I breathe an air as pure, I really believe, as that of Clifton ..."; verso includes, "I must hope that _you_ will be more convalescent, & _I_ shall become a freer bodily agent, [for?] _mortally_, dear Sarah ..."; with two fragments of a letter from S. H. Burney to a Mrs. Hichcliffe, enclosing the F. Burney clipping as an autograph sample "for Miss Brown." Mounted in the Agatha Hogsbottom album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.|||To Samuel Crisp, playwright : 1 autograph letter signed (fragment) : 15 Jan [pre-1783] : (MISC 3739) : [no place] : heavily censored with scribbles; legible part begins, "Now in your next, pick out 3 names from the list, & I will particularise what I have heard, or met with from them...".|||To Mrs. Moore of Upper Grove Street : 1 autograph address panel [excised from lettersheet] : [no date] : (MISC 4023.19c) : indentified as "Madame D'Arblay" in ink, probably in another hand. Mounted in the Mary Ann Humble autograph album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.