Found 4 collections related to Voice teachers
Ribla, Gertrude
Music Division | JPB 06-53
4.19 linear feet (6 boxes)
The Gertrude Ribla Papers document the performing and teaching career of the American-born and trained opera singer through clippings, photographs, programs, publicity materials, and scrapbooks. Ribla, who entered the field of international opera...
Balbo, Giuseppe Cesare
Music Division | JPB 06-18
10 linear feet (8 boxes)
Giuseppe Cesare Balbo was an Italian conductor, critic and music teacher who eventually moved to, and taught in, New York City. The collection is primarily scores – both original manuscripts composed by Balbo and those that he copied and/or...
Fryer, Katharine Homer, 1907-
Music Division | JPB 09-3
58.3 linear feet (84 boxes)
The Louise Homer Collection extensively documents the lives and careers of Louise and Sidney Homer, as well as the history of their extended family. It was assembled by Katharine Homer Fryer, one of the Homers' twin daughters. The collection...
New York Singing Teachers' Association
Music Division | JPB 04-19
7.25 linear feet linear feet (14 boxes)
The New York Singing Teachers' Association (NYSTA), first named the National Association of Teachers of Singing, strives to provide teachers with the tools and inspiration needed for an informed and creative pedagogy. NYSTA's Officers and Board,...