Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, Admiral of the Fleet and veteran of the Crimean, Chinese, West African, and Egyptian campaigns and the Boxer Rebellion, and a member of the Privy Council, kept this diary from March 28, 1906 through January 25, 1910. The...
Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, Admiral of the Fleet and veteran of the Crimean, Chinese, West African, and Egyptian campaigns and the Boxer Rebellion, and a member of the Privy Council, kept this diary from March 28, 1906 through January 25, 1910. The diary covers the period of his retirement in London and near Maidenhead, with private and official travels to Canada (where he was part of the Prince of Connaught's entourage, March-May 1906); Vouvray (June 1906); Hamburg (August 1906); Munich (October 1906); Monte Carlo (March 1907); Gibraltar (October-November 1907); Jamaica (December 1907-February 1908); Vouvray (August 1908); Lake Como (September 1908); Madeira (February-March 1908); and New York (on the H.M.S. Inflexible for the Hudson-Fulton fete, September-October 1909). Seymour was also heavily involved in the state visit of Prince Sadanara Fushimi of Japan in May 1907 and was closely connected to social and court circles of the period. He was particularly interested in naval education, aeronautics, the theater, and painting The diary also includes a list of books Seymour read, a geographical index, and a key to shorthand symbols