Found 6 collections related to Playwrights
Stahl, Irwin
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-017
10.71 linear feet (16 boxes, 6 volumes, 1 oversized folder)
Irwin Stahl was a theatrical director, playwright, actor, and educator. The Irwin Stahl theater files date from 1893 to 1988 and contain scripts, sheet music, programs, clippings, sketches, notes, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Fennelly, Parker
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1992-011
6.2 linear feet (13 boxes, 6 volumes)
Parker Fennelly (1891-1988) was an actor and playwright who performed on stage, radio, film, and television. The Parker Fennelly papers, dating from 1911 to 1997, document his career through project files, photographs, letters, programs,...
Locke, Robinson, 1856-1920
Billy Rose Theatre Division | NAFR+
107.94 linear feet (518 volumes, 574 other items)
The Robinson Locke collection consists of scrapbooks and portfolios containing clippings, programs, photographs, prints, letters and other ephemera documenting American theater history.
Sobel, Bernard, 1936-
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2012-071
5.35 linear feet (13 boxes, 1 oversized folder)
Bernard Sobel (1887-1964) was an American author and theatrical press agent. His papers include drafts, notes, research materials, and other unidentified papers relating to Sobel's writing; correspondence; photographs; notebooks; a diary; and...
Kidder, Edward E., 1846-1927
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2014-103
4.2 linear feet (10 boxes)
The Edward E. Kidder scripts, dated c. 1883 to 1911, document his career as a playwright for Broadway and touring companies.
Carter, Randolph, 1908-1998
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1999-019
5.4 linear feet (9 boxes, 3 volumes, 1 oversized folder)
Randolph Carter (1908-1998) was an American writer, director, and critic. The Randolph Carter papers date from 1860s-1997 (bulk dates 1930s-1980s) and contain manuscripts, typescripts, journals, photographs, letters, sound recordings, and programs.