The collection consists of episodes of the weekly half-hour television program, John's Cabaret, which has aired on the New York public access channel, Metro Access, dating back to 1980. In each episode, John Wallowitch answers live call-in...
The collection consists of episodes of the weekly half-hour television program, John's Cabaret, which has aired on the New York public access channel, Metro Access, dating back to 1980. In each episode, John Wallowitch answers live call-in requests to perform songs by composers such as Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Noel Coward, Sammy Cahn, Michael Leonard, Burton Lane, Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein, and Wallowitch himself. Special guests have included: Rita Gam, Dixie Carter, Delta Burke, Gerald McRaney, Hal Holbrook, Eric Comstock, Lynn Lobban, Carol Channing, Tony Monte, Berri Blair, Christopher Gines, Claiborne Cary, Audrey Morris, Carol Shedlin, Layne Littlepage, Yvonne Sherwell, Jane Scheckter, Gerta Grunen, Bob Ost, Richard Morris, James Gavin, Joan Shepard, Gregory Moore, and Bertram Ross.