Found 3 collections related to World War, 1914-1918
Stanton, Robert Brewster, 1846-1922
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2860
18.07 linear feet (36 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 oversized folders, 13 tubes, 1 other item)
Robert Brewster Stanton (1846-1922) was a civil and mining engineer, who as chief engineer of the Denver, Colorado Canyon and Pacific Railroad Company led a survey party through the Grand Canyon in 1889-1890. The collection includes...
Heyman, Gertrude, 1878?-1958
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1393
1 linear foot (1 box)
Gertrude Amalia Heyman (1878?-1958) was a stenographer who served with the American Expeditionary Forces and the Jewish Welfare Board in France during World War I. She continued her career as a public stenographer and notary public in various U.S....
Kisseloff, Jeff
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6399
772 audio files
Jeff Kisseloff (1955 - ) is an American writer and oral historian. This collection (1986-2000) contains sound recordings of interviews Kisseloff conducted for his published and unpublished books and articles. Two books were published from these...
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.