Found 49 collections related to Costume design drawings
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Lee, Franne, 1941-
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1999-021
15.5 linear feet (31 boxes)
Franne Lee (1941- ) is a costume and production designer for theater and film, as well as a producer and visual artist. This collection contains designs, correspondence, and other materials related her production designs from the 1970s to the...
Wexler, Peter
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1998-044
41.25 linear feet (105 boxes)
Peter Wexler (b.1936-) is primarily a set and costume designer for theater, music, and television, as well as a producer, artistic director, lighting designer, photographer, and visual artist. This collection contains set designs, correspondence,...
Stratford Festival (Ont.)
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1996-051
1 portfolio (28 designs), 32 cm; 1 portfolio (28 designs), 32 cm
Canadian theater festival specializing in productions of Shakespeare. Consists of 28 costume designs, all color prints, from a variety of productions, Shakespearean and non. The drawings are identified with the name and date of production, the...
Oenslager, Donald, 1902-1975
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1996-015
71 linear feet (103 boxes)
Donald Oenslager was a set and lighting designer, teacher, lecturer, writer and collector. The collection consists of set and costume designs, technical drawings, elevations, manuscripts and correspondence with other prominent theater designers.
Rabb, Ellis, 1930-1998
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1998-020
32 linear feet (65 boxes)
The Ellis Rabb Papers document the life and career of actor, director, producer, and author Ellis Rabb and the repertory company he founded in 1960, the Association of Producing Artists (APA).
Straiges, Tony
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1996-019
2.23 linear feet (1 box, 4 oversized folders, 5 tubes, 2 set models)
Tony Straiges (born 1942) is a New York City-based set designer, working in theatre and ballet. He is known for his designs for the original Broadway productions of Sunday in the Park with George (1984) and more
Dodger Costumes Limited
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2005-008
43.51 linear feet (104 boxes)
Dodger Costumes Ltd. was a theatrical costume company in New York from 1998 to 2005. The Dodger Costume Bibles consist of costume bibles created by costume designers and assistants working on plays and musicals produced by Dodger Theatricals and...
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2014-168
6.5 linear feet (24 binders)
Parsons-Meares Ltd. is a New York City-based costume shop that builds costumes for professional theater, dance, and opera. The Parsons-Meares costume bibles includes sketches and renderings (primarily reprographic), color photographs, fitting and...
Morley, Ruth
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1998-024
38 linear feet (70 boxes)
The Ruth Morley Papers document the career of Ruth Morley, costume designer for theater, opera, motion pictures and television. The materials date from 1940-1990 (bulk years 1925-2005) and include production materials such as costume plots and...
Crabtree, Howard
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1998-007
33.47 linear feet (26 boxes)
The Howard Crabtree Papers and Designs document Crabtree's life from his high school days to a career in Off-Broadway that featured his unique costume designs.
Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-026
29 linear feet (42 boxes)
The Helen Hayes papers span the years 1817–1963 and consist of correspondence, the majority from friends and colleagues; speeches and writings, including drafts and handwritten index cards of speeches; clippings from her earliest days in theater...
Stearns, James Hart
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1998-041
3 linear feet (3 boxes, 104 items)
Costume sketches and 1 box with a maquette by James Hart Stearns.
Sznajderman, Marius, 1926-
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2011-204
5 linear feet (5 boxes)
Marius Sznadjerman was born in Paris in 1926. He escaped to Spain with his parents in 1942, moving to Venezuela where he attended the School of Fine Arts in Caracas. After moving to the United States in 1949, Sznajderman studied at Columbia...
Boyt, John
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2010-024
2 lnear feet (4 boxes)
Designer, producer and writer, John Boyt (1921-1983) was born in Newark, New Jersey. From the 1940s to the early 1980s, Boyt designed costumes, sets, and occasionally lighting, for theater, dance, opera, television, and film. His credits include...
Ludlam, Charles
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-003
11.7 linear feet (28 boxes)
Charles Ludlam, actor, director, and playwright, was born April 12, 1943. He began his career in 1966 with the PlayHouse of the Ridiculous, both as a performer and playwright. Artistic differences caused Ludlam to leave and form his own company,...
Kim, Willa
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2003-025
11 drawings in 1 box
Willa Kim, costume designer, was nominated for a Tony Award in 1989 for her work on this production. Consists of color copies of eleven sheets of costume designs for the musical LEGS DIAMOND that opened at Broadway's Mark Hellinger Theatre on...
Bernstein, Aline, 1881-1955
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2010-026
6 linear feet (8 boxes)
Aline Bernstein (1882-1955), New York City designer for theater, opera and dance performances from 1920s to 1950s, began her career designing for productions at the Neighborhood Playhouse, and later on for Broadway, operas and dance productions....
Colt, Alvin
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2002-020
3.75 linear feet (14 boxes)
Alvin Colt is an award-winning costume and scenic designer that has worked in film, television and theater. The collection consists mainly of costume designs for television productions from the 1970s and 1980s, but also includes scenic designs for...
Campbell, Patton
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2003-037
20.75 linear feet (31 oversized boxes)
Patton Campbell studied design at Yale University under Donald Oenslager, then designed costumes for opera and the Broadway stage. His Yale projects and several opera productions are represented here.
Morrison, Paul, 1906-1980
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-VIM 1981-010
5.2 linear feet (11 boxes)
Paul Morrison (1906-1980), whose prolific theatrical career began in New York with the Theatre Guild and Group Theatre, designed sets, lighting and costumes for more than 60 Broadway productions, often working in multiple capacities. This...
Bottari, Michael
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1996-037
.1 linear feet. (1 portfolio)
Costume designers, Michael Bottari and Ronald Case. Collection consists of ten color laser prints of costume designs for the 1995 revival of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical State Fair.
Klotz, Florence
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2001-028
2.35 linear feet (1 box, 10 volumes)
Florence Klotz (1920-2006) was an American theatrical costume designer. A winner of seven Tony Awards, Klotz is best known for designing costumes for productions directed by Harold Prince, including Follies, A Little Night Music, and On the...
Heeley, Desmond
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2016-022
5.81 linear feet (8 boxes, 1 oversized folder, 12 tubes)
Desmond Heeley (1931-2016) was a British-born costume and set designer for theater, ballet, and opera who worked internationally. Through original sketches, prints, production bibles, reference files, photographs, and correspondence, the Desmond...
Edwards, Ben, 1916-1999
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2015-022
26.52 linear feet (47 boxes, 3 volumes, 33 oversized folders, 20 tubes)
Ben Edwards (1916-1999) was an American scenic designer and art director, and occasional lighting designer, costume designer, and producer, working in theatre, industrial shows, film, and television. The Ben Edwards designs and papers (1884-1999,...
Burnside, R. H. (Robert Hubberthorne), 1873-1952
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1952-002
34.4 linear feet (76 boxes)
Showman R.H. Burnside (1870-1952) was born in Glasgow to a theatrical family. His career began at London's Savoy Theatre in the 1880's where he worked backstage for the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company on its original productions of Gilbert and Sullivan...
Kim, Willa
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2017-044
63.76 linear feet (165 boxes, 10 tubes)
Willa Kim was a Korean-American costume designer. She began working in film and theater in the 1940s. Early in her career, she worked as an assistant to set and costume designer Raoul Pène du Bois. This collection includes Willa Kim's sketches,...
Broadway Bound, Inc.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2018-016
10.13 linear feet (26 boxes, 1 oversized folder). 7.4 gigabytes (727 computer files)
The Broadway Bound production materials, dating from 1994 to 2005, chronicle the process of creating musicals performed by Broadway Bound, Inc. on Queen Elizabeth 2, a luxury ocean liner that sailed between Southampton,...
Living Theatre (New York, N.Y.)
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-VIM 2011-253
4 boxes (ca. 346 drawings) : some col ; 76 x 46 cm. or smaller
The Living Theatre, founded by Judith Malina and Julian Beck in 1947, produced avant-garde plays performed in New York theaters until 1963, when they were shut down by the IRS for failing to pay taxes. After a worldwide tour, the Living Theatre...
Burlingame, Lloyd
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-VIM 2001-021
6 drawings (in 1 box) : color ; 55 x 72 cm
Lloyd Burlingame, designer for the theater. Consists of six designs in watercolor and ink for the following productions of the Association of Producing Artists: three signed costume designs for TWELFTH NIGHT and one unsigned set design for each of...
Hepburn, Katharine, 1907-2003
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2007-009
30 linear feet (65 boxes)
The Katharine Hepburn papers consist of correspondence, scripts, photographs, scrapbooks, programs, contracts, financial papers, production materials, notebooks, and clippings documenting the theatrical career of the legendary actress. A few items...
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