Found 3 collections related to Business records
Gauthier, Eva, 1885-1958
Music Division | JPB 13-29
4.82 linear feet (14 boxes)
Éva Gauthier (1885-1958) was a Canadian-American vocalist best known for her performances of contemporary music and her associations with George Gershwin, Igor Stravinsky, and other composers. The Éva Gauthier papers, dating from 1899 to 1960,...
Soria, Dorle
Music Division | JPB 13-16
2.77 linear feet (7 boxes)
Dorle Jarmel Soria (1900-2002) was a publicist, record company impresario, and journalist in the classical music world of the mid-twentieth century, best known for her founding of the Angel Records label with her husband, Dario Soria. Her papers...
Siday, Eric
Music Division | JPB 00-4
6.13 linear feet (20 boxes, 1 oversize folder). 1014 audio files. 40 video files
Eric Siday (1905-1976) was a British-American composer, arranger, producer, and violinist who pioneered the creative use of new technology and recording techniques in advertising and brand identification. One of the first composers to routinely...