Memorandum book of John T. Hawkins, 2nd Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy, containing an "Account of the principal occurrences during the voyages of the Pensacola," U. S. sloop-of-war on which he served from September 1, 1861 to September 10, 1863;...
Memorandum book of John T. Hawkins, 2nd Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy, containing an "Account of the principal occurrences during the voyages of the Pensacola," U. S. sloop-of-war on which he served from September 1, 1861 to September 10, 1863; his testimony before the Congressional Committee on Steam Machinery, February 23-24, 1864, comparing general proportions of the Pensacola with those of the Iroquois and Monongahela; a comparison of the theoretical and actual performance of the engines of the Pensacola; notes on steam engineering, including notes on the U. S. S. Brooklyn, Niagara, Minnesota, Iroquois, Roanoke, Mattabessett, and U. S. gun boat Wissahickon