Found 4 collections related to O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964
Lortel, Lucille
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2001-006
The papers of Lucille Lortel relate the details of her life and career from teen years to her death in 1999, and include correspondence, production files, scripts, programs, production photographs, personal and family photographs, organization...
Found in
Gish, Lillian, 1893-1993
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1996-011
The Lillian Gish papers (75 lf.) span the years 1909-1992 and consist of correspondence including letters from friends, family, fans and business associates, personal papers, business, legal and financial documents, scripts, writings, photographs...
Atkinson, Brooks, 1894-1984
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1968-001
The Brooks Atkinson papers contain correspondence, awards, personal papers, photographs, ephemera, scrapbooks, datebooks, clippings and subject files and document his life and career as a drama critic for the New York Times. The papers span the...
Morehouse, Ward, 1898-1966
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1971-001
Ward Morehouse, journalist and playwright. The papers include correspondence, interviews, writings articles and ephemera documenting his career in the theater world.
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digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.