Found 4 collections related to Account books
Pollikoff, Max
Music Division | JPB 86-1
11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller; 11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller
A violinist and conductor, Max Pollikoff was born in Newark, N.J., in 1904, and died in New York City in 1984. He organized Music in Our Time, a concert series which ran from 1954 to 1974 at the 92nd St. YMHA, New York. Published and unpublished...
Smith, Jabbo, 1908-1991
Music Division | JPB 97-65
2.11 cubic ft. (5 boxes)
"Jabbo" Smith, born Cladys Smith in 1908 in Pembroke, Georgia, was an African-American jazz trumpeter, trombonist and singer. He died in St. Louis in 1991. The collection consists of autobiographical material; correspondence with Lorraine Gordon...
Hadley, Henry, 1871-1937
Music Division | JPB 86-17
Henry Hadley was an American composer and conductor, founder of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. Correspondence, contracts and royalty statements, libretti and programs, clippings (reviews), scrapbooks, financial...
Perle, George, 1915-2009
Music Division | JPB 89-2
An American composer and theorist, George Perle received his Ph.D. degree in 1956 from N.Y. Univ. with the dissertation Serial Composition and Atonality (publ. 1962; 4th ed. 1977). He also wrote Twelve-tone Tonality (1977); The Operas of Alban...