Found 11 collections related to Publishers and publishing

Filtering on: x1851 - 1900
New York Times Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 17781
78 linear feet (137 boxes, 189 volumes, 8 oversize folders, 1 tube)
Adolph Simon Ochs was an American newspaperman and the publisher of the New York Times for almost forty years, from 1896 to 1935. Under his leadership, the paper acquired an international reputation for objective and trustworthy reporting. The... more
Century Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 504
63.42 linear feet (151 boxes)
The Century Company published the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, which was widely regarded as the best general periodical of its time, performing a role as cultural arbiter during the 1880s and 1890s. It was... more
Foster, Jeanne Robert, 1879-1970
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1051
7 linear feet (15 boxes)
Jeanne R. Foster (1879-1970), creator of the collection, was an American poet, assistant editor of The Review of Reviews and American editor of Transatlantic Review. She met a significant group of writers, poets and artists through John Quinn who... more
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1872-1906.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-1535
0.13 linear feet (2 reels)
This collection consists of correspondence, scrapbook pages, a ledger, and a manuscript about Dunbar.
Sabine family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2659
13 linear feet (23 boxes, 18 v.)
Joseph Sabin (1821-1881), Joseph F. Sabin (1846-1926) and J. Percy Sabin (1872-1934) were the principal proprietors of the family firm of book, autograph and print dealers doing business in the U.S. and England from 1842 to 1934. Joseph Sabin... more
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1853-1937
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1575
13 linear feet (12 boxes; 57 volumes)
The Robert Underwood Johnson papers document Johnson's personal and professional life from 1875 until his death in 1937. Johnson, born in 1853, served on the staff of The Century Magazine until 1913, eventually rising to... more
McKelway, St. Clair, 1845-1915
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1943
8 linear feet (17 boxes, 2 packages)
St. Clair McElway (1845-1915) was the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper from 1884 until 1915. In addition to his newspaper work, he gave numerous addresses and speeches and was a member of the New York Board of Regents from 1883 to 1915 (he... more
Jones, George, 1811-1891
Manuscripts and Archives Division
.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
George Jones was the first publisher of the New York Times. He founded the New-York Daily Times in 1851 with Henry J. Raymond and Edward B. Wesley. The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, and legal documents regarding mainly... more
Fales, DeCoursey, 1888-1966
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 972
3 linear feet (8 boxes, 1 v.)
De Coursey Fales (1888-1966) was a New York City lawyer and banker who collected books and manuscripts. He donated his book collection to New York University and split his manuscript gifts between N.Y.U. and the New York Public Library. Autograph... more
Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3993
7 items (1 folder)
Francis Preston Blair and John Cook Rives were publishers of the Globe and the Congressional Globe, Washington, D.C. newspapers. Collection consists of letters and business papers relating to the sale of the Globe by Blair and Rives to Thomas... more
New York Times Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 17811
1.26 linear feet (3 boxes)
George Jones was the first publisher of the New York Times and Henry J. Raymond was a New York politician and the first editor of the New York Times. Together with Edward B. Wesley they founded the New-York Daily Times in 1851. The collection... more
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