Found 3 collections related to Real property -- New Jersey
Bancker, Evert, 1734-1815
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 193
3.31 linear feet (15 boxes, 2 oversized folders)
Gerard Bancker (1740-1799) and brother Evert Bancker Jr. (1734-1815) were New York City surveyors and members of a wealthy merchant family. The land surveys, plats, and maps that comprise the bulk of the Bancker plans depict the streets,...
Swartwout, Robert, 1778-1848
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2932
.5 linear feet (2 boxes, 4 v.)
Robert Swartwout (1778-1848) was an Army officer and merchant of New York City. Collection consists of Swartwout's correspondence, accounts and other papers relating to personal matters, business and politics. Includes materials on the reclamation...
Varick, Richard, 1753-1831
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 4664
.2 linear feet (2 folders)
Collection consists of signed documents and miscellaneous correspondence, 1770-1831, of Richard Varick (1753-1831), an American attorney, Revolutionary War soldier, politician, and Mayor of the City of New York from 1789-1801. Most items are...
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.