Rushmore G. Horton (1826-1867) was editor of The Weekly Day Book (later the New-York Weekly Caucasian and the New-York Weekly Day-Book Caucasian), a New York City pro-slavery newspaper, as well the author of several publications, including The...
Rushmore G. Horton (1826-1867) was editor of The Weekly Day Book (later the New-York Weekly Caucasian and the New-York Weekly Day-Book Caucasian), a New York City pro-slavery newspaper, as well the author of several publications, including The Life and Public Services of James Buchanan, The History of the Tammany Society, and A Youth's History of the Great Civil War in the United States, from 1861-1865. He was secretary of the Anti-Abolition States Rights Society and an active participant in the anti-abolitionist movement in New York State. The Rushmore G. Horton papers include correspondence, autographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous personal and financial papers. The collection includes letters to Horton, John H. Van Evrie, and Nathaniel R. Stimson as editors of the New York Weekly Day-Book Caucasian, as well as personal letters to Horton and his wife from George Pope Morris, Samuel F.B. Morse, William G. Brownlow, George Ripley, James Kirke Paulding, William Winter, Thomas H. Seymour, Thomas F. Bayard, and William H. Peck, and autographs by such notable figures as James Buchanan, James A. Bayard, Jr., John Cochrane, and Brigham Young. Miscellaneous papers include invitations, receipts, small notebooks, a certificate of membership to the Anti-Abolition State Rights Society, and a Confederate States of America bond with attached coupons. Most of the material has been pasted into a published blankbook intended for use as an index rerum. Loose material has been removed to separate enclosures. Additional items were added posthumously.