Found 2 collections related to Photographs
Hughes, Barnard, 1915-2006
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2012-008
11.30 linear feet (28 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Barnard Hughes (1915-2006) and Helen Stenborg (1925-2011) were prolific stage and screen actors. Hughes was best known for his award-winning turn as the titular character in Da, and Stenborg performed extensively with...
Hershfield, Harry, 1885-1974
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1979-004
7.13 linear feet (20 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Harry Hershfield (1885-1974) was an American cartoonist, humorist, and radio personality. The Harry Hershfield collection, dating from 1896 to 1979, documents his career and contains photographs, writings, letters, programs, scrapbooks, clippings,...