David Miller Anderson (1837-1903) was a Pennsylvania physician residing in Venetia, Peters Township, Washington County. After serving as an assistant surgeon during the United States Civil War, Anderson attended Bellevue Hospital Medical College...
David Miller Anderson (1837-1903) was a Pennsylvania physician residing in Venetia, Peters Township, Washington County. After serving as an assistant surgeon during the United States Civil War, Anderson attended Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York City, graduating in February 1866. He married Charity Sauns Wright (1840-1925) of Peters Township, where their first child was born on July 3, 1866. In later life he was active in the coal business and served in the Pennsylvania state legislature. D. M. Anderson's medical casebook, 1865-1869 (1 volume), contains brief case notes, mostly in journal form, providing patient name, age, diagnosis and treatment. He records the treatment of patients while a student at Bellevue Hospital Medical College and in subsequent practice at an unstated location, assumed to be Pennsylvania for entries dated 1866 onwards. Most entries concern the treatment of women in childbirth and their recuperation. There are 36 unnumbered pages of entries in pencil and ink interspersed in a bound volume of approximately 200 pages; the rest of the volume is blank. The first three pages of text contain details of two orthopedic cases presented by Professors [Willard] Parker and [James R.] Wood respectively, 1865 November. Notes on various remedies are followed by an "Obstetric Record," 1866 October-December; a record of "Obstetric Cases," [1866] July-1869 October; and cases under "General Practice," [1868?] December-1869 December. These document the treatment of children and adults for various conditions, and a surgical operation performed by Dr. A. M. Pollock with the assistance of Anderson and others. An Obstetric Case for "Hannah S" misdated December 7, 1861 corresponds to an Obstetric Record entry of December 7, 1866