Found 2 collections related to Composers
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Felzer, Oleg, 1939-1998
Music Division | JOB 18-02
1.17 linear feet (4 boxes)
Oleg Felzer (1939-1998) was a Jewish modernist composer from Azerbaijan who lived and worked in the Soviet Union before immigrating to New York City in 1988. The Oleg Felzer scores and sound recordings, dating from 1960 to 1998, consist of full...
Ren-Lay, Judith
Music Division | JPB 17-17
0.63 linear feet (2 boxes)
Judith Ren-Lay (born in 1943) is a New York City-based dancer, vocalist, and performance artist. The Judith Ren-Lay papers, dating from 1981 to 2005, document the musical portions of Ren-Lay's artistic output through notes, scores, lyrics,...