Found 2 collections related to Diaries
Lloyd, Georgia, 1913-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1787
57.89 linear feet (138 boxes, 3 volumes, 1 oversize folder)
Author, peace activist, world government advocate and philanthropist, Georgia Lloyd, 1913-1999, was executive secretary of the Campaign for World Government from 1943 until 1990. Her papers consist of correspondence, professional writings and...
Bigelow, Poultney, 1855-1954
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 302
34 linear feet (64 boxes, 2 v.)
Papers consist of family and general correspondence, Bigelow's writings, biographical materials, papers of his first and second wives, and related materials. Family correspondence, 1864-1954, and general correspondence, 1880-1954, contain chiefly...