Found 3 collections related to American Theatre Wing
Filtering on: xMusic Division
Ornest, Naomi
Music Division | JPB 14-08
.67 linear feet (2 boxes)
Naomi Ornest (d. 2007) was an opera singer active in the late 1940s and early 1950s. She was later an opera director and translator. Her husband, William Yokel, a writer, worked for the American Theatre Wing (ATW). The Naomi Ornest and William...
American Theatre Wing
Music Division | JPB 18-04
1 linear foot (4 boxes)
The Stage Door Canteen was a New York City venue run by the American Theatre Wing that offered food, socialization, and entertainment free of charge for U.S. military men during World War II. The original, New York City venue opened on March 2,...
Gorney, Jay, 1896-1990
Music Division | JPB 04-33
17 linear feet (33 flat boxes)
Jay Gorney was a composer, writing for the stage, screen, and television from the mid-1920s through the late 1960s, and a teacher and lecturer in musical comedy and theater. This collection consists of published scores from his earliest student...