Found 5 collections related to Set designers
Oenslager, Donald, 1902-1975
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1976-007
4.5 linear feet (8 boxes)
The Donald Oenslager Collection of Edward Gordon Craig is an artificial collection containing correspondence and artwork created by the noted theatrical designer and graphic artist, Edward Gordon Craig. Although born and raised in England, Craig...
Roche, Emeline Clark, 1902-1995
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1996-016
The Emeline Roche Collection (1815-1988) consists of the Emeline Roche Papers (1815-1988) and the Jane Cowl Papers (1884-1949). The collection came in two installments: first after 1950 from Emeline Roche, the rest after her death from her...
Mielziner family
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-006
3.38 linear feet. (5 boxes + 1 portfolio)
Artist Leo Mielziner (1869-1935) and his wife Ella McKenna Friend Mielziner (1873-1968), raised two sons, each of whom became prominent in the arts: Leo J. (1899-1962), a stage and screen actor and director who worked under the name Kenneth...
Heeley, Desmond
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2016-022
5.81 linear feet (8 boxes, 1 oversized folder, 12 tubes)
Desmond Heeley (1931-2016) was a British-born costume and set designer for theater, ballet, and opera who worked internationally. Through original sketches, prints, production bibles, reference files, photographs, and correspondence, the Desmond...
Edwards, Ben, 1916-1999
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2015-022
26.52 linear feet (47 boxes, 3 volumes, 33 oversized folders, 20 tubes)
Ben Edwards (1916-1999) was an American scenic designer and art director, and occasional lighting designer, costume designer, and producer, working in theatre, industrial shows, film, and television. The Ben Edwards designs and papers (1884-1999,...