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x1951 - 2000
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Found 4 collections related to Theater -- Designs and plans
Filtering on: x1951 - 2000
McLane, Derek
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2016-004
43.81 linear feet (4 boxes, 141 tubes); 71.38 gb (16,407 computer files)
Derek McLane (born 1958) is an American set designer who has designed for theater, opera, television, awards events, and trade shows. The set designs in this collection chronicle McLane's professional career and date from 1988 to 2015. The...
Tipton, Jennifer
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 420
82.3 linear feet (122 boxes, 3 oversized folders, 115 tubes); 758.7 mb (627 computer files)
The Jennifer Tipton lighting designs date from 1958 to 2013 and contain technical lighting documents created by Tipton throughout the course of her career as a lighting designer for dance, theater, opera, and installations, primarily in the United...
Heeley, Desmond
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2016-022
5.81 linear feet (8 boxes, 1 oversized folder, 12 tubes)
Desmond Heeley (1931-2016) was a British-born costume and set designer for theater, ballet, and opera who worked internationally. Through original sketches, prints, production bibles, reference files, photographs, and correspondence, the Desmond...
Edwards, Ben, 1916-1999
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2015-022
26.52 linear feet (47 boxes, 3 volumes, 33 oversized folders, 20 tubes)
Ben Edwards (1916-1999) was an American scenic designer and art director, and occasional lighting designer, costume designer, and producer, working in theatre, industrial shows, film, and television. The Ben Edwards designs and papers (1884-1999,...