Found 2 collections related to Copyright, International
Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2507
6 linear feet (18 boxes and 5 v.)
George Haven Putnam (1844-1930) was a publisher and author best known for his commitment to the establishment of national copyright legislation in the U.S. and to American adherence to the international copyright Convention of Berne. After serving...
Katscher, Leopold, 1853-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6318
16 linear feet (43 boxes)
The collection consists of the papers of journalist and peace activist Leopold Katscher (1853-1939) and his wife, the novelist Berta Katscher (1860-1903). The bulk of the collection consists of Leopold Katscher's papers, while his wife is...