Faithful Friends Forever Club was a social club created by a small circle of Jewish girls in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York in 1938. The club lasted for seven years, from the time the girls were about nine years old until they graduated from...
Faithful Friends Forever Club was a social club created by a small circle of Jewish girls in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York in 1938. The club lasted for seven years, from the time the girls were about nine years old until they graduated from high school. The club's minutes were kept chiefly by Ethel Stolzenberg, the daughter of Yiddish poet, Abo Stolzenberg. After graduating from high school she attended Bryn Mawr College and received a Ph.D. in biophysics from Yale University. She and her husband, Irwin Tessman were members of the biological sciences faculty of Perdue University. Other members of the club included Marilyn Rothman, Miriam Meyer, Joyce Lewis, Florence Maisel, Joyce Lasky, Florence Shir, and Devorah Kessell. Student composition book containing the meeting minutes of the Faithful Friends Forever social club. The minutes, 1938-1946, were kept chiefly by Ethel Stolzenberg as recording secretary. In addition to minutes, the volume includes lists of officers, members, and girls rejected for membership. Activities of the club mentioned include collection of dues, reading, games, dancing, movie attendance and other outings, as well as charity and war work.