Found 6 collections related to Library of Congress

Filtering on: x1901 - 1950
Bowker, R. R. (Richard Rogers), 1848-1933
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 355
61 linear feet (126 boxes)
Records consist of general and family correspondence, personal papers, subject papers, writings and speeches, diaries and travel journals, financial records, papers of Bowker's father, Daniel Rogers Bowker, scrapbooks, photographs, printed matter,... more
Skeel, Emily Ellsworth Ford, 1867-1958
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2766
106 linear feet (150 boxes and 2 v.)
Emily Ford Skeel (1867-1958) was a bibliographer, editor and philanthropist. Her parents were Gordon Lester Ford (1823-1891), a railroad and real-estate magnate and collector of Americana, and Emily Fowler Ford (1826-1893), a poet. Like her older... more
New York Public Library. Central Administration. Director's Office
New York Public Library Archives | MssArc 4946
Records of Harry Miller Lydenberg, Director of The New York Public Library from 1934-1941. Collection spans the years 1926-1970 (bulk 1926-1944), covering his term as Director and also his participation in numerous professional associations.
Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1044
75 linear feet (130 boxes)
Collection consists of correspondence, writings, notes and transcripts, student notes and notebooks, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, miscellaneous papers, and printed matter. General correspondence, 1862-1938, is between Ford and historians,... more
Ryskind, Morrie, 1895-1985
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1996-024
Morrie Ryskind, poet, playwright, and columnist. Awarded the 1932 Pultizer Prize for drama for Of Thee I Sing co-written with George Kaufman, Ira Gershwin, and George Gershwin. Testified before the House Un-American... more
Enters, Angna, 1897-1989
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 101
Personal and business correspondence. The bulk of the papers consist of correspondence with agents, publishers, galleries, theaters, colleges and individuals. Contracts are filed under the respective agencies. The second series includes personal... more
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digitized and are available online.