Found 3 collections related to Musicians -- United States
Filtering on: xMusic Division
Sterne, Teresa
Music Division | JPB 02-9
10 linear feet (22 boxes)
Teresa Sterne, a pioneering producer of classical music recordings, was director of Nonesuch Records from 1965 to 1979. The Papers include material related to Sterne's tenure in charge of Nonesuch Records, as well as her childhood career as a...
Muller, Joseph, -1939
Music Division | JOB 19-01
8.7 linear feet (7 boxes)
Joseph Muller was a collector, amateur musician, musicologist, and portraitist who worked in the Music Division of the New York Public Library between 1934-1939. The collection consists of ink, pencil, and multi-media sketches of musicians created...
Ford Foundation, 1936-
Music Division | JPB 16-19
6.12 linear feet (11 boxes, 3 volumes)
The collection contains approximately 39 scores composed with financial assistance from Ford Foundation grants.