Found 3 collections related to Meeting Minutes
Lexington Democratic Club
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18650
8.19 linear feet (20 boxes)
The Lexington Democratic Club is a political activist group founded in 1949 to promote a reformist Democratic Party in Manhattan's 9th Assembly District. This collection documents the club's founding, operations, and activities through...
Davis, John W
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2199
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
These Society meeting minutes were kept by Secretary Pro Tem John W. Davis from the group's, inception on January 19, 1889, to September 25, 1902. Included are the constitution and by-laws adopted on March 9, 1889; memorial clippings announcing...
New York Library Club
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2180
9.66 linear feet (23 boxes)
The New York Library Club was founded at Columbia College in 1885 by Melvil Dewey for the purpose of promoting libraries and librarianship in New York City and its environs. The collection dates from 1885 to 2002 and contains administrative...