Found 2 collections related to Invitations
Walden, Harriet, 1914-2006
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18913
3.57 linear feet (9 boxes)
Harriet Walden (1914-2006) was on the administrative staff of the New Yorker magazine for over forty years, from 1944 to 1985, and was E. B. and Katharine Sergeant Whites' secretary from 1956 to 1986. The Harriet Walden...
Livingston, Edward, 1834-1906
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 22560
5.66 linear feet (6 boxes, 4 volumes, 1 oversized folder)
Edward Livingston (1834-1906) was a member of a socially prominent New York family and a businessman involved in the importation and sale of railroad materials. The Edward Livingston papers (1850s-1920s) contain personal and business records from...