Betty Mandeville (1910-2001) was a producer-director for The FBI in Peace and War, a radio crime drama that aired on CBS from 1944 to 1958. Mandeville worked as a producer on the show for its entire run, and was the sole producer-director...
Betty Mandeville (1910-2001) was a producer-director for The FBI in Peace and War, a radio crime drama that aired on CBS from 1944 to 1958. Mandeville worked as a producer on the show for its entire run, and was the sole producer-director beginning in 1948. The Betty Mandeville production papers contain Mandeville's scripts from the show from 1950 to 1958. Many of the scripts have handwritten revisions and annotations, as well as advertisements for broadcast. The revised scripts provide documentation of the radio production process in the 1950s. The collection includes a small number of records related to television productions with which Mandeville was involved.