Found 6 collections related to Promotional materials
Composers Recordings, Inc.
Music Division | JPB 07-2
14.8 linear feet (36 boxes)
The Composers Recordings, Inc. Records contain recording project files, correspondence, business and financial papers and photographs documenting the history of the record label devoted to contemporary American music.
Stoessel, Albert, 1894-1943
Music Division | JPB 13-25
.42 linear feet (1 box)
Albert Stoessel (1894-1943) was an American violinist, conductor, composer, and pedagogue. The Albert Stoessel papers, Additions, primarily hold lecture texts and course materials, and also contain small portions of biographical papers,...
Black, Ivan, -1979
Music Division | JPB 06-20
22.8 linear feet (55 boxes)
The Ivan Black Papers document Black’s work as a publicity agent on behalf of nightclubs, musicians and entertainers in New York from the 1940s to the 1970s. They include press releases, clippings, correspondence, photographs, promotional material...
Carson, Margaret, 1911-2007
Music Division | JPB 06-26
50 linear feet (112 boxes)
The Margaret Carson Papers document the work of one of New York City’s leading classical music publicists of the 20th century. They consist of clippings, correspondence, promotional material, press kits, photographs, concert programs and itineraries.
Auber, Stefan
Music Division | JPB 13-05
3.43 linear feet (8 boxes)
The Stefan Auber papers hold concert programs, images, scrapbooks, clippings, scores, promotional material, touring files, posters, and correspondence. The collection primarily documents the cellist's life and career from 1920 until the...
Soria, Dorle
Music Division | JPB 13-16
2.77 linear feet (7 boxes)
Dorle Jarmel Soria (1900-2002) was a publicist, record company impresario, and journalist in the classical music world of the mid-twentieth century, best known for her founding of the Angel Records label with her husband, Dario Soria. Her papers...
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