Found 3 collections related to Burns, George, 1896-1996
Channing, Carol
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2021-011
63.49 linear feet (191 boxes, 9 oversize folders, 2 tubes)
Carol Channing (1921-2019) was an American actress, singer, and comedian best known for her leading roles in the Broadway musicals Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Hello, Dolly! The Carol Channing...
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 1914-1970
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-014
Papers documenting the life and career of Gypsy Rose Lee.
Warner Bros
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1992-001
Color slides from a variety of Warner Bros. motion pictures produced during the 1980s and early 1990s.