Found 2 collections related to Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922
Lawrence, A. F. R
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 89-21
ca; 3400 sound recordings
The collection contains both commercial and noncommercial discs and tapes. The commercial recordings include the complete set of Nation's Forum discs, Benito Mussolini's personal copy, bound and numbered, of his recorded speeches, Victor long play...
Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound | *L (Special) 89-33
1579 sound discs
Weekly 30-minute NBC radio broadcasts, featuring classical and light classical music, which began on Apr. 29, 1940 and continued until 1958. In September, 1959, the Bell Telephone Hour made its television debut as a monthly musical special. It...