Scope and arrangement
This is a synthetic collection consisting of correspondence. The correspondence includes letters from the author, dating from 1857 to 1895, to H. Buxton Forman, Alexander Macmillan, Tennyson Patmore, Frederic George Stephens, and others, as well as letters relating to the author, dating from [1842] to 1948, between various correspondents, including Laman Blanchard, John Brett, Osbert Burdett, Philarete Charles, Paul Claudel, Sydney Dobell, John Freeman, Alice Christiana Meynell, Derek Patmore, Harriet Georgina Patmore, Peter George Patmore, the publishing firm Macmillan and Co., and others. There are letters to Patmore from John Brett, Charles Dodgson, Richard Monckton Milnes Houghton, Alfred Tennyson, and Francis Thompson, dating from 1876 to 1890.